Monster Hunter: World – Large -scale game. It is huge and the continent frosty scope, which we talked about in detail in the last article. Among the snow, you can entertain yourself not only hunting, but also by side tasks. The winter addition of ** iceBorne ** has expanded the range of classes even more: fishing, mining of rare resources, study of territories, cooperation with local botanists and much, much more than another. We'll talk about all the optional entertainment of the frosty spaciousness right now.
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Fishing and fishing of monsters (not to be hungry!)
Fishing is increasingly appearing in games with the open world. It is enough to remember Red Dead Redemption 2 And Far Cry 5. IN Monster Hunter: World The player earns the study of the study glasses, and the fish can also be prepared for dinner or cook a fish potion from it by improving the hero’s health or getting a special subject. In addition, with the help of grinding fish, you can return the former sharpness to your sword. A regular stone for sharpening is less effective.
Fishing is easy. You need to sit in a safe place on the lake, determine the bait and throw a fishing rod. In the process, it is important to combine baits to catch gold fish. It can be very profitable to sell and subside the money, for example, for new armor. And it will not yet be superfluous to begin to cooperate with the researcher (look for him in your settlement), which awards useful items in exchange for a good catch.
IN Iceborne The developers have added several new fish. The rarest among them is a sea knight, a long fish with reddish-orange fins. Catching such a thing means to unlock the achievement
In turn, for catching monsters of simple luck is not enough, the skill of the trace will be required. First you need to track the game, study the behavior and, having seized a good moment, throw a network. Of course, the larger the creature, the more difficult it is to make it to arch. To catch a huge wyvern, first you have to prepare a trap and stock up on tranquilizers. The rest of the principle is similar: we track, lure into a trap and sleep. A real hunter is not the one who only kills the monsters, but the one who also catches them.
Caught small animals can be domesticated and turned into their pets, and large wyverns can be sent to scientists to study. For the work done, the hunter will be awarded with rare objects.
Addition Iceborne Significantly expanded the bestiary. And if you catch a macaca or a penguin for an experienced hunter is not difficult, then finding an arrow -headed gecko or a jellyfish of a winter moon will be very difficult, believe me!
The nature of the frosty expanse is rich in new herbs, without which it is impossible to cook a warming potion and survive in a harsh climate. You are probably already heard about a hot pepper drink. Without a bubble with acute liquid, the hero will simply freeze-it will begin to lose endurance. However, there is another way not to hang around – a warming stone. Such a talisman will not allow it to be stained in the battle, when it will not be up to drinking the bubbles.
Although if the hero stumbles on a wyvern who knows how to freeze, nothing of the above will help here – one hope for the bulletproof! A rare plant, the growth places of which will literally remember and from time to time to return there to replenish the stocks. Therefore, the ideal solution will be the artificial cultivation of the puddering in the greenhouse by the forces of the village botanists.
It is generally very useful to cooperate with scientists. They can produce honey that restores the hero’s health well, and you do not have to waste time looking for wild honey among snow. Also in greenhouses you can grow mushrooms for special potions – if you manage to debug all sowing processes, life will become noticeably easier.
Finally, in the village of ST O IT, lay a steam station. It will not only provide all buildings and greenhouses with energy, but will also generate random objects and baits for hunting (often very rare!). The main thing to refuel the installation-generator: the fuel is mined during the processing of unnecessary things and ore.
Announcement work
Random NPC from your settlement is another source of tasks. Sometimes the reward for fulfillment is such that it makes sense Tropical Wins Casino to distract from the storyline and go to an unscheduled hunt. Other quests live in a resource center. But the essence is the same – run into the forest and get a monster in a limited time. Award – improvements for armor.
You can also look for work on ads, literally tearing them off from a special pill. Among the tasks, the quests of the species may come across, bring and orders for the capture of high-level monsters, which can only be found at a certain period of time. The most difficult orders are hunting at two monsters of the workshop.
Also, be sure to take the time to establish friendly relations with Boaboa, cats-assistants (in the original Monster Hunter: World they were called Palico). First, animals will be wary of the hero, but it is worth laying a huge monster before their eyes, cats will change anger to mercy. The hero will be called for negotiations and give a non -trivial quest. After that, you can call for fluffy assistants in difficult times: they will help to win the dragon, and they will pour healing potions.
You can also devote yourself to the research of the bizarre fauna of frozen lands. Other experienced hunters and scientists met during wanderings will tell you a bunch of everything useful about the monsters inhabiting the continent and their vulnerabilities. As a result, it will become much easier to track monsters in the footsteps – they will be displayed on the minicart.
Crossovers with famous universes
Is it a joke, c Monster Hunter World A chain of tasks for Geralt from Rivia, the protagonist of the cult The Witcher. The White Wolf has its own equipment and the style of hunting for wyvern, and previously unprecedented monsters interest it as prey. Even Ciri will appear in the frame.
And not only she. If you collect all parts of rare armor, it will be possible to play several missions for a hunter for robots Ela from Horizon Zero Dawn. Another crossover opens the hunting season for giant Anjanat, and the player receives a unique bow that once belonged to Ela.
Capcom is not going to dwell on Iceborne and will continue to develop the universe of the game. New territories will appear during the year – the volcanic region and tundra in guiding lands are promised – and monsters. The hunters will soon have to fight Rajang, a giant horned gorilla. You can evaluate the scale of the disaster in the video below.